
August 2017

Welcome to my expanded website.

After two years of badgering from my wife, Eve, and her daughter, Sky, I have bitten the bullet. I was told my old site did not work or at least did not work well on any mobile device. After six months of work, not solely on this project, I hope this does the trick.

Of course I wanted to put all my interests in this new site. The emphasis is still on the moths but since I linked up with my friend and colleague, Dave Rentz AO - some ten years ago now -  I have had the privilege of seeing so much of the natural world of Tropical Queensland that I would never have encountered on my own. We do between 30 and 40 'collecting' trips each year. These I hope will provide me with the incentive to share and update this site regularly.

With the photography pages I have made an attempt to provide scientific names to the fauna I have photographed. I claim no expertise in areas other than the moths. For example the bird identifications come from the Readers Digest Guide Book to Australian birds published in what seem to be the dark ages now. And knowing the moving feast with taxonomic identification of moths, I am sure there will be mistakes. I invite anybody to correct any of my incorrect identifications on any of the pages or provide answers where I have left a 'code'. I have made no effort at all to identify the flora.

Indeed any feedback at all on the site is welcome.

My intention is to post News each month mainly focussing on our collecting trips but also a sort of personal log.

Cheers Buck

Grievson Road 28 June 2017. A short trip for us, only 20 minutes from home, between Kuranda and Mareeba, and we have collected there on a number of occasions. I like it because there is abundant xanthorrhoea which always has something on it.